Sumo Basho Battle Report - 28mm Sumo miniatures game from Amazon Miniatures

This is a battle report ("batrep") for a sumo match from Sumo Basho (2002), a long out-of-print 28mm miniatures game from the Amazon Miniatures/Amazon Fantasy companies. According to Lost Minis Wiki, Amazon Miniatures existed from around 2001 to 2011 in Manchester, England. It looks like all of Amazon Miniatures' 28mm range of Sumo, which also included some sci-fi inspired "Sumo Meks", are no longer available. It does appear that Dixon Miniatures still produces a 28mm sumo wrestler miniature that could serve as a proxy Rikishi:

The original starter boxed set contained two 28mm Sumo Rikishis, two 28mm Geishas, one 28mm Gyoji referee with fan, the rule book, a 6-sided and 12-sided dice, and a dyoho ring map with health/damage level charts. Amazon Miniatures also had two alternate 28mm Sumo Rikishis and two alternate 28mm Geisha available in separate blister packs.

The rules are fairly simple with a 6-page rulebook that uses three charts to resolve Chi rolls, Gyoji/Geisha collisions, and attacks between the Sumo Rikishi.

The Set-up: Here is the starting position set-up on a custom 28mm terrain Dohyo clay-surfaced ring. The Gyoji referee starts in the middle and may act as an obstacle for the Sumos to go around. On the left in blue mawashi is the Sumo Rikishi Wakanohana and on the right is his opponent, Takanohana, in purple mawashi. Outside the dohyo, a crouching Mainoumi in black mawashi and arms-aloft Akebono in red mawashi serve as spectators along with the Geisha.

1. On the first turn, Takanohana (purple) successfully completes his first 90-degree right turning movement and moves above the Gyoji to get a charge angle on Wakanohana (blue).

2. On his second turning movement, Takanohana (purple) fails his turning roll and goes careening forward 3” and takes 1 damage for falling out of the edge of the ring - nearly taking out Mainoumi outside the ring!

3. After regaining his footing inside the ring, Takanohana (purple) braces for a furious follow-up charge from Wakanohana (blue) that threatens to again force him out of the ring for more damage.

4. Mounting a successful defense, however, Takanohana (purple) pushes back Wakanohana (blue) by 1".

5. On Takanohana's (purple) Chi roll, he gets his sacred number and moves the Gyoji. Placing the Gyoji as an obstacle behing Wakanohana (blue), Takanohana presses with the attack.  

6. After colliding with the Gyoji, Wakanohana (blue) rolls a "1" and falls. Wakanohana (blue) loses a damage level and now both Sumo are at 5 health with each at -1 attack/-1 turning.  

7. Wakanohana (blue) regains his footing and a Chi roll puts the Gyoji back in the center of the dohyo between the Sumo Rikishi.

8. Attempting to get around the Gyoji, Takanohana (purple) attempts another two successive 90-degree turning maneuvers. On his second turn, Takanohana (purple) fails his turning movement and falls just short of almost dropping out of the ring again.

9. Wakanohana (blue) loses his turn on a bad Chi roll which allows Takanohana (purple) to successfully turn and charge into Wakanohana's (blue) side for a +1 modifier to his attack and an additional 2 damage from a hip twist attack.

10. After Takanohana (purple) fails to cause any damage in a follow up rear attack despite a +2 attack modifier, Wakanohana (blue) fails to turn in time and heads foward 2".

11. Takanohana (purple) charges to attack Wakanohana (blue) and causes 1 damage.
12.Victory! Takanohana (purple) rolls a 12 and scores an annihilation attack for 3 damage that defeats the fallen Wakanohana (blue) and sends him to the floor.

All in all a hard-fought come-from-behind victory for Takanohana (purple). Although Wakanohana (blue) had some good chances to take advantage of Takanohana’s failed maneuvers, Wakanohana couldn’t seem to capitalize on his reverse attacks. Thus, despite some early big missteps, Takanohana was able to re-set and close in for some effective side and rear attacks. 



  1. What a cool game and fabulous sumo figures!

  2. Thanks! Yes, I wish it was still around. I remember when I got it around 2000-2003 it was featured prominently as one of Amazon Miniatures' main product lines so I had high hopes for it.


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