Citadel Samurai on Temple Dog


The elusive Samurai on Temple Dog.  Here is my painted leader of the Nippon Mercenary Contingent with a pug-themed Temple Dog and Shirokiya banner.

Here is the unassembled Samurai on Temple Dog in all metal components other than the plastic elf lance which is original to the model.  The temple dog was also available with a Dark Elf or Hobgoblin rider.  The Dark Elves, Hobgoblins, and Nippon shared a common eastern heritage in Warhammer Armies, 3rd edition as the Nippon Mercenary Contingent was only available as mercenaries to the Dark Elf army while the Hobgoblins shared both the Temple Dog and Rocket Launcher models with the Nippon army.

The bestiary profile for the Temple Dog from Warhammer Armies, 3rd edition.  With an elemental-like 10 Strength on a charge, all magical attacks, and a 5 Weapon Skill, the Temple Dog is quite a mighty mount indeed.   

The Temple Dog was available to the Samurai Lord Mercenary Commander from the Nippon Mercenary Contingent army list for 85 points.  The Nippon Mercenary Contingent was the only army to have both the Temple Dog and Ki-rin available as war beast mounts.  The Temple Dog was also available as a mount to a character model in the Dark Elf army or to a Hobgoblin Khan Mercenary Commander in the Hobgoblin Mercenary Contingent.  

Another view of the Samurai mounted on Temple Dog.


  1. Been trying to get this one (or multiples) for seemingly forever. I have one for my dark elf army, but alas no samurai.

    Good job in the paint.

    1. Thanks Willmark. Yes, it seems exceedingly rare. Your blog is such an inspiration for Warhammer Nippon army fans!


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