Armies on Parade 2020: The Warhammer Nippon Mercenary Contingent


For Games Workshop's Armies on Parade 2020,, I decided to mount my Warhammer Nippon Mercenary Contingent on a 2' x 2' terrain board and submit it.  Knowing that the contest is to promote Games Workshop's current line of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000, I do not have any great expectations that it will even be given a second look.  That being said, I hope that this Oldhammer army stirs some Warhammer Nippon or Cathay thoughts for their Warhammer: The Old World project which has already given some great Kislev previews. 

The "Small Japan House" is from Armorcast ( which I believe is now out-of-production.  Some may recall that Armorcast was an officially licensed third-party provider of large-scale resin models for Warhammer 40,000 with models like the Warhound and Reaper Titans before Games Workshop took those back in-house through its Forge World division.  A great overview of Armorcast’s Warhammer products is at the Collecting Citadel Miniatures Wiki at:


The Samurai Lord Mercenary Commander (Level 20 Hero) leads the Warhammer Nippon Army astride his stone Temple Dog.

The Citadel OH1 Samurai aim their long bows and are ready to switch to their katanas when in charge range.  The unit leader in the center front rank is a Talisman Adventure Samurai, also produced by Citadel.  The Citadel C14 Oriental Dragon looks on from across the river - or perhaps it is the Emperor of Cathay himself in celestial dragon guise.

A unit of Citadel OH5 Oriental Champions Sohei in the front two ranks and Citadel OH3 Rampaging Ronin Sohei in the rear two ranks.  In Warhammer Ancient Battles, they act as elite Warrior Monk units armed with their fearsome naginata.  For Warhammer Fantasy Battles, they substitute as Ashigaru armed with light armour and spears in the Warhammer Nippon Mercenary Contingent list.

A unit of Citadel OH2 Samurai in straw coats armed with swords.  In the front rank they are led by a Citadel OH3 Rampaging Ronin. 

A unit of Citadel OH1 Ninja.  In Warhammer Ancient Battles, they count as a Ninja skirmisher unit armed with additional hand weapons.  For Warhammer Fantasy Battle, they act as another unit of Ashigaru.  The leader at center front rank is the Blood Bowl star player ninja Hoshi Komi armed with Tekko-Kagi claws.

Covering the rear are four units of Citadel C22 Nippon Rocket Crew with Rocket Kamikazes. 

The Citadel C14 Oriental Dragon (also known as the Citadel DG1) looks on from across the river.  The bonsai tree is an aquarium decoration.  More information about the Citadel C14 Oriental Dragon is at Stuff of Legends:


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