Amazon Miniatures Sumo Basho


In the early 2000's, a company out of the UK called Amazon Miniatures released Sumo Basho, a sumo miniatures battle game complete with 25mm/28mm miniatures.  Here is the boxed starter set that included 2 Sumo miniatures, 1 Gyoji Referee miniature, 2 Geisha miniatures, Rule Booklet, Map of Dohyo Ring, and 2 dice.  Everything you needed to play.  

Amazon Miniatures also had a vast range of 25mm ancient armies for use with Warhammer Ancient Battles.  In addition to selling the rules for Warhammer Ancients, Amazon also sold its own three miniature games of Sumo Basho, Amazons & Centaurs, and Pollice Verso.  Unfortunately, it appears all these games are long out of print and I cannot find a trace of Amazon Miniatures online.

Here is a closeup of a Sumo Basho match in progress with the two Sumo miniatures from the starter set.

This is a shot of the extra miniatures that were available separately from the starter set.  In the ring are two alternative sculpt Sumo miniatures.  Outside the ring at 9 o'clock is an alternative Gyoji Referee and at 3 o'clock is an alternative Geisha.  All alternative Sumo Basho sculpts were available separately from Amazon Miniatures.

Here is a close-up of the starter box of Sumo Basho from Amazon Miniatures with great cover art of a match in progress and a photo of painted miniatures.  


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