Citadel DG1 Oriental Dragon

Citadel and Tom Meier's DG-1 "Oriental Dragon" is one of the iconic Nippon monsters who never received its own ruleset beyond the generic dragon rules in WFB.  Here is my DG1 painted in the colors of the Oriental Heroes artwork in White Dwarf magazine.  

In April of 1986, White Dwarf magazine number 78 put out this full-page ad for the new Oriental Heroes line from Citadel Miniatues.  This same artwork would also serve as the background art for the blister packs in that same line.  The DG1 is clearly the inspiration for the dragon who is about to get a facefull of shuriken from the ninja.  That green hand of that ninja has always befuddled me.  A goblinoid ninja?  Never saw the stories or rules for that anywhere.

Here is my unopened DG1 in its original Citadel "Monsters" line blister box. 

A diorama with the DG1 Oriental Dragon confronting a group of adventurers.  The house is Armorcast's Terraform "Small Japan House."  In the adventurer's group from left to right are two Shukenja ("Honda" and "Yen") and two Sohei ("Pong" and "Chee") from the OH5 Oriental Champions line and "Atari" and "Wolfhead" from the C01 Fighters slottabased figures.  


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